United B777

United’s B777 subfleet is composed of 19 B777-200, 55 B777-200ER and 14 B777-300ER aircraft. United was the launch customer in the world for the B777. As mentioned above, United took delivery in 1995 of a B777 with registration number N777UA, which was the first B777 to enter commercial service. The new Boeing 777X will be the world’s largest and most efficient twin-engine jet, unmatched in every aspect of performance. With new breakthroughs in aerodynamics and engines, the 777X will deliver 10 percent lower fuel use and emissions and 10 percent lower operating costs than the competition.

United Airlines operates 5 versions of Boeing 777-200.

A recent addition to United’s fleet, the Boeing 777-300ER is United’s first aircraft featuring their Polaris product. Polaris is a premium Business Class product. United chose to outfit its widebody fleet with a custom-designed, exclusive-to-United, open suite style seat, rather than select an option already in the marketplace. United Airlines has decided to use certain Boeing 777-300ERs to increase its term loan facility with the United States Department of Treasury. The airline, which first borrowed under the loan in September, can now access up to $7.5 billion from the facility.

First cabin version of the Boeing 777-200 (772) V1 Three Class Intl

First version of Boeing 777-200 is the most common. It may transport 266 passengers.

United B777

First class includes 8 open suites that have 180 degrees recline. All these seats are standard.

Business First class consists of 5 rows of seats that have 2-4-2 configuration and are divided into two sections. I.e. there are 40 flat bed seats that have 180 degrees recline. Only the seats of the 10th row have such a disadvantage as noise from the economy plus class that is located behind this row.

Economy Plus class has 110 standard seats that are divided into two sections. The first section contains the major part of the seats – 101 seats.

The seats 19DEG have the following disadvantages: restricted space for passengers’ legs, the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable and reducing the width of these seats, another disadvantage is lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.

The seats 20AB and 20JK are the best seats as passengers of these seats will take advantage of extra space thanks to the fact that there are no seats in front. However the width of these seats is reduced a little as the tray tables are in the armrests.

The seats 21C and 21H also have extra legroom thanks to the missing seats in front but other passengers and crew members tend to bump into these seats. Also these seats are narrower than standard as the TV screens and tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable.

The seats 30C and 30H are standard but as there are no seats behind other passengers and crew members tend to bump into these seats. The seats 30DEG have limited recline. Other passengers tend to father in this area in order to visit lavatories and causing discomfort to passengers of the seats 30C, 30DEG, 30H and 31B, 31J.

The seats 31A and 31K have no windows.

The second section contains the remaining 9 Economy Plus seats. Passengers of the seats of 33rd row will feel comfortable thanks to the exit row in front. These seats have bassinet location. Among disadvantages of these seats: proximity of the lavatories and reduced width of the seats.

The seats 34DEG are the last seats of the Economy Plus class. These seats have restricted space for passengers’ legs due to the bulkhead position. But there is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing, the width of these seats is slightly reduced as the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable, close location of the galleys may also represent a problem.

Economy class may transport 108 passengers. All the seats of economy class are standard. Just the seats of the last rows have some disadvantages. So, the seats 45ABC and 45HJK as well as the seats 46DEG may be less reclining than standard and their close location to the galley and lavatories may be bothersome.

Second cabin version of the Boeing 777-200 (772) V2 Three Class Intl

Second version of Boeing 777-200 has 269 seats divided into four classes.

The first class may transport 8 passengers on open suites that have 180 degrees recline. Proximity of the galleys may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats of the 1st row.

Business first class includes 40 flat bed seats that have 180 degrees recline. The seats of the 6th row have no floor storage during take-off and landing. Passengers with babies are often seated here as these seats have bassinet location. Close location to the galleys will represent a problem for passengers of the seats 7CDGH and 7JK.

Behind the exit row another 3 rows of Business First class are located. Close location of the lavatories and galley will cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 8CDGH. The seats 10A and 10K have misaligned windows.

There are 113 seats in the Economy Plus class. The seats 19DEG have less space for passengers’ legs because of the bulkhead position. Passengers with infants may seat here as bassinets are often located at the bulkhead rows. Among disadvantages of these seats: reduced width of the seats and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.

Passengers of the seats 20AB and 20JK will take advantage of extra legroom due to the bulkhead position. These seats have bassinet location and passengers with babies may seat here. As the tray tables are built-in the armrests the width of these seats is slightly reduced. There is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing.

The seats 21C and 21H have more space for passengers’ legs as there are no seats in front. But other passengers and crew members tend to bump into these seats when passing by. Another disadvantage of these seats is lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.

As there are no seats behind, passengers and crew members passing by tend to bump into the seats 30C and 30H. Close location of the lavatories will cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 30C, 30 DEG and 30H. Also these seats have may have less overhead storage space as emergency equipment is stored here.

The seats 31AB and 31JK may be less reclining due to exit row located behind. Other passengers tend to gather in this area in order to visit lavatories and causing discomfort to passengers of these seats.

The seats 33A and 33K are considered bad seats as they have no windows. Thanks to the exit row located in front these seats have some extra legroom but the exit doors protrude inside this space. The other disadvantages of these seats are: proximity of the lavatories and reduced width of the seats.

Passengers of the seats 33BC and 33HJ will feel comfortable thanks to the extra legroom. Close location of the lavatories may be bothersome. As the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable, these seats are narrower than standard.

The bulkhead slightly restricts the legroom of the seats 34DEG. Passengers with babies are often seated here. Proximity of the lavatories, reduced width of the seats and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing are other disadvantages of these seats.

Economy class consists of 108 seats. The seats of the last rows and namely the seats 45ABC, 45HJK and the seats 46DEG may have limited recline. Close location of the galleys and lavatories will cause discomfort to passengers of these seats.

Third cabin version of the Boeing 777-200 (772) V3 Two Class Intl

The third version of Boeing 777-200 has 267 seats.

Business first class consists of 50 flat bed seats with 180 degrees recline. These sears are located in two sections.

First section includes 26 seats located in 5 rows. The seats of the first row have no floor storage during take-off and landing. Close location of the galley and lavatory will cause discomfort to passenger of the seat 1D.

Proximity of the lavatory may be bothersome for passenger of the seat 5E.

The second section of business first class consists of 4 rows of seats that have 2-2-2 configuration. The only disadvantage of the seats of 8th row is lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.

In the Economy Plus class the seats have 3-3-3 configuration. Passengers of < strong>the seats of 16th row will take advantage of extra legroom thanks to the bulkhead position. Among disadvantages of these seats: slightly reduced width of the seats and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.

The seats 19A and 19L have misaligned windows.


The seats 21A and 21L are seats with missing windows.

Economy class seats are located in 2 section. First section has 4 rows of seats. Proximity of the lavatories will represent a problem to passengers of the seats 25DEF.

The seats of the 26th row may be less reclining. Close location of the lavatories may be bothersome.

The major part of economy class seats are located in the second section.

The seats of the 31sr tow have less space for passengers’ legs because of the bulkhead position. Other disadvantages of these seats are as follows: proximity of the lavatories, lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and reduced width of the seats as the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable.

Passengers of the seats 32ABC and 32JKL will feel comfortable here thanks to the extra legroom due to the exit row in front. However, these seats are narrower than standard and have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

The seats 37DEF have restricted legroom and under seat storage because of entertainment equipment that is stored here.

The best seats in the economy class are the seats 41A and 41L as these seats have extra space for passengers’ legs because of the curvature of the airplane.

Due to the curvature of the airplane at the tail the width of the seats 42ABC and 42JKL is reduced.

The seats 43C and 43J are often bumped by other passengers and crew members passing by.

Proximity of the lavatories may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 44AB, 44DF, 44KL and of the seats of the last 45th row.

The seats 44AB, 44KL and 45DEF are considered bad seats as these seats may be less reclining.

Fourth cabin version of the Boeing 777-200 (772) V4 Hawaii

The fourth version is used by United Airlines during the flight to and from Hawaii.

First class contains 32 reclining seats that have 10 inch recline. Close location of the galleys and lavatories may be bothersome for passengers of the seats 4DEF and of the seats of 5th row.

The best seats in the first class are considered the seats 5AB as these seats have more recline but are often used by crew members during long flights.

Most of the seats in Economy Plus class have 2-5-2. All these seats are standard only the seats of the 16th row have some peculiarities. So, passengers of these seats will feel comfortable thanks to the extra legroom due to the exit row located in front. However, other passengers tend to bother in this area in order to visit lavatories. As the tray tables are built-in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced a little.

The seats of the Economy class are divided into two sections. The seats 36AB, 36HJ and the seats of the 37th row may be less reclining, proximity of the lavatories will also represent a problem.

United B777

The second section of Economy class seats is located behind exit row.


The seats 39A and 39J are considered bad seats as there are no windows here, close location of the lavatories will cause discomfort to passengers of these seats. These seats have extra legroom but they are narrower than standard as the tray tables are built in the armrests.

Passengers of the seats 39B and 39H will take advantage of extra legroom. Among disadvantages of these seats: close location of the lavatories and reduced width of the seats.

The seats 49C and 49G are often bumped by other passengers and crew members passing by.

The seats 50DEFG have the following disadvantages: less space for passengers’ legs and reduced width of the seats as the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable.

Proximity of the lavatories will cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 51AB, 51HJ, 52D, 52G and 53DEFG.

The seats 51AB, 51HJ and the seats of the last 53rd row are considered bad seats as they may have limited recline.

United B777-200 Seat Map

Fifth cabin version of the Boeing 777-200 (772) V5

This version of Boeing 777-200 may accommodate 364 passengers in three classes: polaris that corresponds to business class, economy plus and economy.

This airplane offers 28 flat bed seats that transform into a fully beds. The seats of polaris class are located in the first 4 rows. First three rows have 2-4-2 configuration and the 4th row has 2-2 configuration.

Close location to the lavatory and galley area is the only disadvantage of the seats 1C, 1D, 1G, 1K, 3DEFG, 4C and 4K.

The best seats of the business class are considered the seats 4A and 4K. Passengers of these seats will take advantage of additional privacy.

Behind the exit row 92 seats of economy plus class are located. These seats are located in the rows 16-26. Thanks to the exit row located in front the seats 16DEFG, 17ABC and 17JKL offer extra space for passengers’ legs. Among disadvantages of these seats: location of the galleys and lavatories in front, reduced width and lack of floor storage during take-off and landing.

United 777 300er Routes

Behind the seats of economy plus class the first section of economy class seats is located. This section contains 14 rows of seats. Passengers tend to congregate in order to visit lavatories in the area of the seats 36C, 36DEFG, 36J, 37AB and 37KL causing discomfort to passengers of these seats. Due to missing seats behind the seats 36C and 36J are often bumped by service carts and other passengers passing by.

Behind the exit row 10 more seats of the economy plus class are located. These are the seats 39ABC, 39JKL and 40DEFG. Passengers of these seats will take advantage of extra space for their legs. However, as the tray tables are built-in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced a little. Close location of the lavatories will cause discomfort as well as no floor storage during take-off and landing.

The last 14 rows of the airplane contain the seats of economy class. Passengers and crew members tend to bump into the seats 47C and 47J due to missing seats behind.

The only disadvantage of the seats 50G, 50K, 51G and 52G is proximity of the lavatory.

The seats 51KL, 52AB and 53DEFG are considered bad seats because of limited recline and location of the lavatory and galley behind.

Excellent lay-flat seat. When fully reclined, even I (at 6 foot 4 inches) can lay completely flat. Note - use the duvet cushion provided which gives more padding for the bed. Plenty of in-seat storage space, with 4 little compartments around the seat to store smaller items (shoes/small bag/headphones). IFE is good as well - wish UA would provide more music options like they used to before. This seat is nice as it sits in the back of the First cabin, angled towards the window seats away from the galley noise and light. Behind you is the quiet section of Business. Recommend 2C/2H if you want to sleep during the flight. Service on this flight was excellent with UA's senior crew. My FA was excellent and provided great service almost the entire 14 hour flight for which I was awake about 7 hours. The food was good as well, with Halal catered meals from Dubai. The mid-flight snacks were buffet style arranged at the galley. Quite a nice treat!
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